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Have fun getting 15 swamp manas out. I see no trample either, nub.

Suck card.
part of unglued, thought it had trample :\ oh well, and dark rituals ftw.
Yeah...a friend had that card....when I saw it i couldnt stop laughting...
Womb-Raider,Aug 26 2005, 11:20 PM Wrote:part of unglued, thought it had trample :\ oh well, and dark rituals ftw.
Wasnt there a card in unglued where you could rip it up into tiny pieces then throw it in the air and if it landed on something it would die? Like confetti?
Yeah....its one use only ^^
chaos confetti, entro had a whole unglued deck was fun to play with. There was another card that had something to do with you not being able to say certain things or you take damage, so he would cast it and make it so you cant say done, go, end, turn and stuff. was quite whorish.
Losers, Magic sucks.
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