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So.... october 27th i was on my way to work on my motorcycle. There was a guy in a car going northbound in the southbound lanes, trying to hit somebody. Well, I was the unlucky one. He sideswiped me and I went down. Luckily there was a guy on a motorcycle ahead of me that stopped, came back and stood over me to make sure i didn't get hit by any cars.

They had to take my spleen out since it ruptured, put a plate in my left forearm since it was shattered. I lost 2/3 of my left pinkie, 1/3 of my ring finger, and the tip of my middle finger. Worst of all, they had to amputate my left leg. I was in intensive care for 5 weeks, and i don't remember any of it, as well as the collision itself.

I have a brachial plexus injury as well, so i can't move/feel my left arm. This is my biggest concern right now, since i might not get function of it again, which would leave me pretty much useless.

Now I am in rehab trying to strengthen my good arm and leg so i can at least do something. I'd appreciate your guys' thoughts and prayers.

Oh, and if you're wondering, the guy that hit me was found incompetant to stand trial, so he's in a mental hospital until he can.
Wow, I'm so sorry Luke:(

I don't pray all that often but I will pray for you now for sure:)

I hope you regain movement & feeling in your left arm and I hope you're staying strong through all this:)


Oh and I sent you a PM~!:)
wow man, I really can't imagine having to go through something like that. Don't give up, and do your best to make as well of a recovery as you can.

Stay strong and know that the wamily is going to be thinking of you.

If you need anything don't hesitate to ask, we may not be able to provide much but I know we'll try our best.
im not generally one for prayer but nows no time to be picky. wish you the best luke, your a great friend and i hope you recover quickly. anywhere we can send you a card or anything?

I hope you get better thats really fucked up. I cant even believe they had to amputate your leg, sorry man.........
Wow that really sucks underdog, i hope you get better soon.
I wish you well.:)
wow man im sorry, i hope you get better. give us an addy so we can send cards!
I'm glad to hear you physically survived the accident first of all! If you choose to, you'll find your way through the rehabilitation and still be able to lead a good life. I know your injuries are extensive but it's not something that needs to defeat you. Now is the time to be strong and to push forward. You've got people who care for your well-being and even though we can't be there in person, we're there in spirit so please lean on us if you need to!

I have a family member who was struck by a car. She didn't leave the hospital for 2 years from the night she was rushed in. The lady's insurance that hit her only covered $300,000 of the medical bills (which was in the millions). My family was well-off and nearly went broke paying the rest, because of that our lives were changed dramatically as well. She eventually recovered as best she could physically and we all recovered mentally. It's an experience I don't usually talk about but I want you to know that there _is_ light at the end of the tunnel!
UD, I can not express how sorry I am. This is absolutely horrible. You're in my thoughts and prayers man. If anyone can make it through this, its you doggy. Know that we are all behind you 100%. Stay strong!

Thanks guys, I appreciate your support! I'm glad I made it through alive too... I forgot to mention I had a tear in my aorta as well and I heard 90% of people who have that don't even make it to the hospital. So I'm pretty much a badass. ;)

Here's my addy:

Sharp Rehabilitation Center
2999 Health Center Dr
San Diego, CA 92123
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