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Schietluis,May 7 2005, 02:42 PM Wrote:so, where begins the math part?

ok, so we = work * energy

work= F*D = MD/T *D = M*D^2/T
energy= F/A = MD/T / A = MD/T*A^-1

so that makes WE= MD^2/T * MD/T*A^-1 = A^-1*M^2*D^3/T^2 <<< looks hawt!

that's it, if i'm correct...

again i ask where does the math part begin?
eh what he said..gee i feel smart now
Math Master Wrote:mg = W, e ln e = e.

Gosh! You'd think you'd never taken a physics course or pre-calc course.
You could've told me you were introducing physics into my math!

I hate you in the face!:angry:

[quote=Schietluis,May 7 2005, 08:42 PM]energy=
energy = fat/asses? that doesnt make sense bc fat people have no energy..score one krayz!
Krayz,May 7 2005, 10:14 PM Wrote:energy = fat/asses
Yes that is exactly correct, where energy of fat = mcc!
Energy is not force/area. Pressure is force/area. I would like to introduce a new unit into physics called a cheat.
F = Eq, E is not energy, but rather electrical field.
So 1 cheat = 1 joule-newtons per coulomb.

Use cheats!
found my fault,
the name is not correct... nevertheless the symbol is and so is the last formula correct:D

i think E (the one i mean at least) is electricity module (litterly translated)

could've choose for electrical field(litterly translated) aswell;
E = FD/UQ with the D of distance

Electricity module? Can you give a formula that represents that?

The E I was talking about was the one in F=Eq and V=Ed.
TheCheat,May 8 2005, 01:17 AM Wrote:Electricity module? Can you give a formula that represents that?
It seriously doesn't help that not everyone uses the same symbols for everything.
but force/area is pressure, given in Pascals. :o N/m^2

And I thought I was using the SI (international system), which I would assume physics courses would use all over the world.
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