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Full Version: This is going to sound really stupid...plz forgive
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Until the religious nuts kill us off for not being religious.;)
I'm still religious. Not as much as I was in high school, but I still believe the general doctrine of god and jesus, etc.

So fuck you all.


p3ng,Mar 5 2009, 12:06 PM Wrote:
Womb-Raider,Mar 5 2009, 06:56 AM Wrote:fukung.net is pretty quick to find a fitting picture for forums too. as for religion setting us moral guidelines i think we can manage that ourselves. dont cheat dont steal dont kill. maybe add dont lie in there too, but i think cheat/steal covers the general dishonesty idea too. as for the killing religious nuts have always been best at it so i say we let them kill eachother finish off whoever is left and move on with our race.
you sound like George Carlin
i shall take that as a compliment:)
Womb-Raider,Mar 5 2009, 08:36 PM Wrote:i shall take that as a compliment:)
It was;)
Didn't you make this same thread last year? If you did, then what makes you think you will be able to quit this time around?
nothing, he was trying to find out how often everyone else beats it
Anywhere from 3 times a day to 3 times a month, depending on my mood. Now go beat off to my beating off habits, freak.
doomz sounds like he has mood problems, is he a girly?
Womb-Raider,Mar 6 2009, 02:22 AM Wrote:doomz sounds like he has mood problems, is he a girly?
We wiped 11 times trying to down the last 4 bosses in Naxx, and eventually gave up on Kel'thuzad. I'm in a guild that usually does the whole instance in 3 hours, but didn't run it with the main group. I was a bit frustrated at the time of that post.:P
im not too sure if i posted something like this a year ago, cuz i know the last time i tried it was two years ago (made it 23 days), but whatever, thats why i put the "plz forgive" in the title in case if i had.
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