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SniperducK,Oct 23 2005, 05:41 PM Wrote:if u want to play GW, WoW, or Lineage2:Pyou can play them for free....FFXI is the only mmorpg not emulated...

im gonna start in 3 weeks or so depending on how fast my connection is at school:)
GW...no idea,
WoW=sucks at emulators,most abilities and skills dont work...pretty messed up still
Lineage2= well...no idea either
The thing is that we r trying to go for a REAL MMO experience I think:o
FFXI has the best party system out there,I like it more than WoW:P
Yes Baha, we're going to do the real thing. Duckeh has a couple of uber rich friends on a server and we're going to that one.
I own FFXI but....i think someone stole my cdkey =/
Minion,Oct 23 2005, 09:54 PM Wrote:I own FFXI but....i think someone stole my cdkey =/
Thats not possible,once a cd key has been used to make an account its bound to it...like steam!:D
Well....I'll have to forget about my uber hume pld lvl 45 T_T :D
I'll go for it!
im buying the game tuesday or wednesday...ill start playing sometime around there too....ill get u guys world pass as u come on the server and such:)
I call....warrior tank! ...if some1 else wants WARRIOR i'll take WHM!
Possibly, I will get it for Pc Next week or 2 weeks from now. And if/when i do, i will inform you.B)
If we get enough we might actually get a static party lawl. I was gonna be a leet taru mage though, probably RDM or WHM.
Biggs,Oct 24 2005, 12:27 AM Wrote:If we get enough we might actually get a static party lawl. I was gonna be a leet taru mage though, probably RDM or WHM.
RDM rox...at lvl 40ish when he gets refresh LOL
It's official, I'm getting it W00t! I just need to know requirements and cost for online.(In canada)
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