Wroaw's Way Wicked Board

Full Version: Open Competition, all welcome.
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I was banned by womb about 15 before it started and so i decided not to go but he said he had enough people..
t3h_l33t_p3ngu1n,Aug 27 2005, 05:11 PM Wrote:I would much rather click than press control over and over. My poor pinky would get tired.
You're a moron if I never knew one now.

Why would I be using my pinky to hit CTRL when it's the main key? You don't move with wasd either so there's no reason to hit CTRL with the pinky.
I changed my keys to a wasd system:P
I always put my hand on the wasd even if im not playing a game. Just out of habit.
Um i gusse ill join hope im not to late:P
omg its bubbles!
can we do this again sometime because i didnt have acomputer available that could run cs :/
t3h_l33t_p3ngu1n,Aug 28 2005, 12:06 AM Wrote:I always put my hand on the wasd even if im not playing a game. Just out of habit.
my typing teacher hated me for that, but i still typed 100+ wpm so she couldnt complain.
The hell with typing properly, I don't use either of my pinkys and I type 100+ too.
I cant type fast at all.
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