Wroaw's Way Wicked Board

Full Version: PING, possible new host
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Who are you?

And by the way, South Dakota isn't a country.
i play on the wcs alot. and i was trying to say i live in the country. like not in a city!
hmmm looks like Wroaw// would fit behind that white blurr:rolleyes:
Krayz,Dec 11 2004, 05:07 AM Wrote:hmmm looks like Wroaw// would fit behind that white blurr:rolleyes:
try the opposite:(
dusty dunes in holland...... is now a source server i was on it a little while a go
*noobish,Dec 10 2004, 11:36 PM Wrote:iunno:P it switched from 6 to 1 constantly.. played very nice:P(there were alot of ppl on, im trying to find the ss now)

found it and no, u dont wanna know whats behind the white thing: [Image: zinloos.JPG]
Its afN | RR <Noobish>

Thats what is whited out. Atleast its good to know hes still respectful to our clan.
jeez, u forgot ur after shave? i smell sarcasm

ur taking this too hard man
Jack didn't you say you were gonna leave and never come back a week ago? You sure do know how to be a dumbass.

Edit: Here's the little proof.

Jack saying goodbye?
Yeah Biggs I guess im a lier. :/

Bring that shit up again and you're ip banned. -Sv
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