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ik can take jokes like that

Ur just to stupid to see how serious this shit is, ur not a victim and cuz u dun kno shit about it u r just going to make fun out of it and offend other ppl. That is just pathetic imo.
I can make jokes about things that hurt me. Guess what, that's how you get over those things.
bs.. my english grammar skills (bad excuse) are to low to answer in the way i want but thats just bs,

I wish u lots of happyness and love with that foolish thought dude.
It works for me up to now. I doubt it will ever NOT work.
Adolf Hitler is just a name, i said nothing about killing jews or sending anyone to concentration camps. And he didnt kill only jews mind you only about 7 million where as he killed 6 million gays, blacks, retards and physically disabled. So if your going to talk about shit (expecially history) get it right. Im more a fan of Stalin, he killed skyward of 15 million normal citizens. And as for dark element obviously being retarded (theres no admin there....really!) he also cried about those 2 smut guys hacking. And when he went to post about this said "i bet this will get me my admin back" De, go fucking die and noobish go to your own forums and take krayz with you. Republican foot soldier go hit up iraq bitch.
Womb-Raider,Dec 5 2004, 09:42 PM Wrote:..and noobish go to your own forums and take krayz with you..
what forum?
The afn forums, or any forum but this one, im not feeling paticuarly picky.
The Words: "Hail Hitler" are to much by its own...
They were praising the best member of their team, i find nothing wrong with that,.
If I was on it would have been Hail Vladimir Lenin.
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