Wroaw's Way Wicked Board
Half-Life 2: Thoughts? - Printable Version

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Half-Life 2: Thoughts? - ajbig - 12-06-2004 02:07 PM

rather wait for xmas...

Half-Life 2: Thoughts? - Dum3z - 12-06-2004 02:21 PM

Bring a palm pilot or something with games on it, pass the time while doing nothing.

Half-Life 2: Thoughts? - Entropy - 12-22-2004 12:14 PM

I had HL2 beat within a week of its release. Loved it.

Half-Life 2: Thoughts? - PKer118 - 12-27-2004 06:02 AM

It's sweeet.

Half-Life 2: Thoughts? - SinnFein - 12-27-2004 10:23 AM

I am gonna try it out tonight!! Better late than never!

Half-Life 2: Thoughts? - chimpy - 12-27-2004 11:31 AM

I'm on a p3 with a radeon 9200, 512 mhz ram thingy, i could play the demo, but it had it's choppiness, i was relived to see barney instead of receiving an anal raping. The bloody chair made me cry. Dropping car traps on zombies is way too fun, as is torching them, as is pretending they're vampires and using a steak of wood with gravigun to kill them >.<. I was most amused by putting trash in a basket then picking up the basket to see it fly everywhere. I've only played the demo.