Wroaw's Way Wicked Board

Full Version: We finally get to see what....!
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Pages: 1 2
Dwopple does when he isn't using the computer.

How about an urban pirate?
I am so much more sneakier than that.
I've got better moves than he does.
the last scene with the two chicks makes it all worth while
You and your chicks! I bet you can't wait until they become chickens, can you?!
hahaha that was awesome... I wish I were an urban ninja... :(
I agree with mike. There should be a urban pirate.
Close your eyes, clench your fists, and start saying, "I wish there are urban pirates! I wish there are urban pirates! I wish there are urban pirates!"

It might work!:)
It did work when I wished that someone killed the annoying secretary in the 73th floor of the twin towers :(
Pages: 1 2
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