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Full Version: Another Entro Vs Womb Poll
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No wonder Dobermann's are so evil. >.>

I'd bite my master's hand if it "docked" my tail off too.
Your masters (parents) docked something else off.
Ouch. Thats a low blow womb.
Entropy,Jul 17 2005, 04:52 AM Wrote:This is the ultimate place to bring our arguments.

They definitely cut it off.

And if you don't believe me and vote "Born without" I'll fricken cut you so bad you'll wish I hadn't cut you.
I have one myself...and it has a long tail since they made it illegal in my country to cut their tails cuz they "suffer" and its "cruel and innecessary"

EDIT: What? Oh its "UN"necessary...wtv
Blizzard,Jul 16 2005, 09:52 PM Wrote:It's like a dog's circumcision!
I already made that joke, Womb.:D

And for the count, this is yet another loss for him.:P
Yeah....but they do castrate them too....when they leave their dogs go out for a walk by themselves its pretty useful ^^
Castration is one thing everybody should try to avoid.
What could a doberman do to avoid it? BITE YOU IN THE BALLS?
That might stop you for a while but then you'll end up castrating him with a shotgun or something
That's animal cruelity. A thing that's illegal in the states.:o
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