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12 years old? in dog time..wow what an old dog :-P
rae1213ca,Jul 8 2005, 09:53 AM Wrote:how old is he?
5 years old.
Yeah....she doesnt feel like kicking that stupid poodle's butt anymore...
She is old and tired :/
she like 90+ or close in human age
Yeah...the range is based on the kind of dog...between 7-13 human years:1
That must suck. I wouldn't want to age all fast.:(
Lol....well....dogs have a nice ez life though ...and LOOOTS OF DOGGYSTYLE
Yeah, but you also get your balls cut off.
My dogs like 13 or so in human years, fucking thing needs to die already so it stops shitting in my basement.
Your dog isn't trained to go outside? You must suck.:)
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