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Full Version: You are at a party and...
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stick your peter in her poop shute so when she shits. it burns. paybacls a bitch...

and then I'll drop the cigarette thats in my hand
Burn her.
Krayz,May 21 2005, 09:55 AM Wrote:stick your peter in her poop shute so when she shits. it burns. paybacls a bitch...
I thought you were going to say pee in her bunghole but I was wrong.:(
i would finish what i started, hey i mean if you got it then you got it :- P
Entropy,May 21 2005, 06:00 AM Wrote:Yeah, so you are at a party. You get cocked. You wake up the next morning in some random bed. Theres a girl next to you. She is hot. You are naked. She is only wearing a bra. You get up and go pee, and it burns like hell.

What do you do?
smile. Use your imagination to think of the best possible thing that happened, and that's all you need to do.

Underdog,May 23 2005, 12:29 AM Wrote:
Entropy,May 21 2005, 06:00 AM Wrote:Yeah, so you are at a party. You get cocked. You wake up the next morning in some random bed. Theres a girl next to you. She is hot. You are naked. She is only wearing a bra. You get up and go pee, and it burns like hell.

What do you do?
smile. Use your imagination to think of the best possible thing that happened, and that's all you need to do.

your high uplook on life frightens me.
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