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Hey everyone.... Theres this really big NS/CS/CS:S/DOD clan called |I AM| And i was wondering if we can challege them to a match preferably NS.... Am i allowed to challenge them in the name of Wroaw?
Most of the I AM clan sucks. I play in their server some and Dwopple has too.

Only four of us including you play NS, Dwopple, Dum3z, you and I. Matches take atleast six people and unless we had Womb which would be five I don't see what challenging would do.

If we ever did have a NS division *coughlikewroaw2cough* I shall be leader! Anyways, the funny thing is I just got off their server and saw this.
ya im a recruit waiting for sponsor for there dod team
Biggs,May 4 2005, 12:13 AM Wrote:Most of the I AM clan sucks. I play in their server some and Dwopple has too.

Only four of us including you play NS, Dwopple, Dum3z, you and I. Matches take atleast six people and unless we had Womb which would be five I don't see what challenging would do.

If we ever did have a NS division *coughlikewroaw2cough* I shall be leader! Anyways, the funny thing is I just got off their server and saw this.
I play NS!;)
Note to Penguin that I named Wroaw members. *cough*

To Russian, I have been thinking of joining a clan for competing in NS.<_< All I need to do is work on my skulkage!
Biggs,May 4 2005, 12:21 AM Wrote:Note to Penguin that I named Wroaw members. *cough*

To Russian, I have been thinking of joining a clan for competing in NS.<_< All I need to do is work on my skulkage!
is NS fun? Graphically intensive (which means I am unable to play)?

Should I try it out or will I get addicted?
It's a bit fast paced...if you don't have good FPS it's hard to get a clear shot on things.
TheCheat,May 3 2005, 10:45 PM Wrote:is NS fun? Graphically intensive (which means I am unable to play)?

Should I try it out or will I get addicted?
It's doesn't have the best graphics and graphics could be improved, a lot. But I don't play games for the looks, I play them because I love them.

NS is fast paced, if you play co_ maps. But NS can also be a RTS game if you play on ns_ maps.

Many people have gone from CS to NS, addictingzor 'tis.
w2 was my idea and it died, plus it was for source

u have to skip to wroaw3:P
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