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Full Version: Server Up And Running
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i have been working on a server with amx mod... my goal was to make it like the old wcs... with alot of help from different forums it is finally up and going.

It is hosted in South Dakota, USA so ping for people over the pond will be bad, and prolly not be able to play on it practically.

Plugins are listed as followed:
roll_the_dice_plugin.amx ; Roll the dice Plugin FUN!!

admin_changename.amx ; Admin Control For Changing Player Names

deagsmapmanage210i.amx ; Rockthevote commands

admin_allinone_commands.amx ; Whole shitload of cool commands

admin_gag.amx ; Gags player...

admin_noclip.amx ; Grants Player NoClip

amx_ejl_nukem.amx ; Nuke The Map... amx_nukem amx_nukemjk

amx_atac.amx ; Main File For TK Control
amx_atac_cfg.amx ; Part of TK Control

amx_teamswap.amx ; Allows Force Change Team... amx_ct now

I have had 8 people on at one time with no coplaints of lagg... their ping was in the upper 160s, bt no complaints...

so check it out sometime... something like 197 maps on it
lmao all that and you give us the wrong ip...nice. That's an internal IP address, and i'm too lazy to tell you how to get the right IP.
curse you for getting my hopes up!
cameron if you're on a LAN you can only host games for other people on the same lan, unless you enable a DMZ host or configure port forwarding!

help the boy out sveach:P
it is it is ported for internet... poeple play on it all the time try it....

i have the router ported.....

it is on a comp i do not use......... amd 3200 1 gig ram

ya give it a chance

ip straight from hlds

Damn i hate being wrong
Ah, programs don't usually detect if they're on a LAN or whatever, but go to www.whatismyip.com for your external IP, and we can connect to you if you've config'd your router properly:)
thanx cola ...i fixed it...post edited
It works! nice server:D
what was your ping?

i started connecting when you left
my ping was 180, I tested roll the dice and rockthevote, then left
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