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Full Version: HookMod With AMX?
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I would but I'm too lazy.
Well, get off of your ass and go do it! It's nothing but a waste of time.:P
Meh, just type faster. >.>
There is no way you're restrained to the normal reply times.
Oh believe me, I am.
back to topic...... i haven't tried the cvar suggestion yet, but hookmod isn't incorporated into amx isn't it?

or does the cvar command go into the main server cvars.......

my thought about using rcon rather than cvars is that when someone changes the setting under rcon than is auto changes to default next server restart

maybe i just won't let people mess with the hook settings.....i am going to attepmt to sell admin on my server....

What access would you suggest i give them..(just type the string of letters "abcdefg..."

thanx for all the help
Just using...

amx_cvar df_hook_mode 0

...for example will get you what you need. I suggest not even giving it to them though, it can be disastrous if they've got power of it.

And as for access give them...


Only give them g (cvar access) if you trust them.
Blizzard,Mar 21 2005, 10:48 PM Wrote:Only give them g (cvar access) if you trust them.
Or if they give you $50 or more. ^^
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