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Full Version: life sucks
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Hehehehe...just dont try to suicide...
Tried twice...nothing good came from it...
I feel more of a loser for failing lol
lol yah i dont understand how people can fail at suicide. it is probably because deep down they really dont want to hurt themselves. just a thought ;)
t3h_l33t_p3ngu1n,Mar 25 2005, 10:30 PM Wrote:lol yah i dont understand how people can fail at suicide. it is probably because deep down they really dont want to hurt themselves. just a thought ;)
Even though you think you want to, your mind doesn't allow you. It's like trying to hold your breath till you die. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to unless you get something to do it for you. That and it depends how you try to suicide. If you want an efficient way that doesn't fail, jump off something real high. Don't go with cutting or trying to hang yourself.
or be a man and eat a tub of beans like maddox says
Be a man *licks hookers ass*
Or if you really want a quick way to finish yourself off, shotgun into the mouth pointed around the middle/back of your brain will end it rather nicely. Or if you happen to have household explosives...same technique. ^^
mmmm dynamite + mouth = ewww
Ya, you want it somewhere else, don't you Penguin. You sick person.
anal 4 life man... screw authority
its '4 lyfe' busta
I had two close uncles and my grandmpa die in one year. My grandpa died the day before my moms birthday. 10th grade sucked, but I still passed.
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