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Full Version: Half-Life... nothing more needs to be said - SUCKS
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HL 2...
who cares?
Yeah my graphics card cant handle it. :/
Please prove me wrong heh, i think HL has always sucked, its who ever gets the mega gun wins, otherwise your fucked...
are you saying Single player sucks or deathmatch? because i like both of them because of the gravity gun, it kicks ass and im sure thre will be PLENTY of fresh mods to play in the near future
(I especially like it because now that i got a gig of RAM i can set everything to high and it still runs smooth as butter);)
Butter aint that smooth, but, yeah it still sounds it sucks either single or multi..
have you played it? :huh:


HLDM rules:D
Not played on the single players yet, but theres nout like owning people with a toliet or a sink.
Try it Art. Or find someone who lives near you who has it so you can see what it's like.
Bleh, I hate HL... I have no hope for a HL2... Sounds like shit me tho =P
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