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Full Version: are you guys in cal?
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you guys should sign up for CAL, id root you guys on ^^
DUmez was the only one who was better than me!!:P
Oh come on, I'm better than Senate by a long shot.:P

If we had any discipline when it comes to leagues, I wouldn't mind CAL. But...we don't. Therefore no leagues for us.
i win
You can't win, you don't even play.
Sv you didn't kill me once if I remember on blackhawkdown. But anyways, I STILL KNIFED YOU ON DE_TOT. L0L0L0P CAPSS!!1.
We should do an internal clan competition and see where everyone ranks. And then also do like 2v2 or 3v3 scrims.
The big question is...was he knifing back, shooting someone else, shooting at you, or just really low on HP?
Biggs: 'It was head-on, full health.'
Sv: 'It was from behind, 1 health.'

lol! :P
Well Dum3z, he killed two people before me and I was near him the whole time listening to his gun. I would've guessed he had about 10 shots left. He was camping in a little corner so I just popped out of nowhere because I'm that sneaky, and I could tell he paniced and just wasted all of his shots. It took me two stabs so he was high on health.:P

Edit: Hah Senate, I gave a detailed explanation!
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