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Full Version: WCS Orange Buy Time Delay
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I am not admin and am in no way going to be able to change the settings, but i think that the current 15 sec delay is way too long. So maybe if DT sees the poll and the votes he will change it acordingly.

Who knows...Maybe not

Plus this forum needs new threads anyway
I thought orange was going down...
It is... I don't know why everybody is trying to change the settings :s
oh well, I'll change the settings as they want, I don't care, the server is going down anywayz
y is it going down?... i haven't heard yet?


its free?
We could have it for 10$ a month, but the owner od the server didn't know it would take up so many ram
so to keep it going you need donations? so when is the blue server going up? Or is that plan scrubbed too?


we could do with donations totaling $85 a month, then we just have the orginal server ;p
i thought the host went down:P
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