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Full Version: November 25th is tomorrow!
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ajbig,Nov 25 2004, 08:54 PM Wrote:soccer is for pussies.....im glad you're happy to be a pussy ;)
ooo yaaaa im happy to be a pussy because i enjoy playing soccer<_<
You must be some kind of fag , so since soccer is the most popular sport in the world im guessin that u think that all of those people are pussies too?
You can call it the most popular sport in the world because every country has it's own team, and each country has a small amount of fans which adds up after you take 100+ countries.
Hmm dancing around and twatting a polka dotted ball....so manly...
why do you think soccer players are pussies anyway? (not that I agree:angry:)
Ok aj , tell me your favorite sport so i can make fun of it
His favorite sport is football.
Well it's not as much as favorite as it is the best. My favorite sport is girl's volleyball:)
aj , thats EVERYONES favorite sport
ajbig,Nov 25 2004, 05:27 PM Wrote:Hmm dancing around and twatting a polka dotted ball....so manly...
Hmmm, a bunch of large, sweaty guys running into eachother & rubbing eachother, while chasing around a ball. The epitamy of a straight man.
Its just a fucking sport there is nothing gay about it get over it SHIT.
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