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Pages: 1 2
NO YOUR NOT!!!!!!!!!:angry:
Brendon,Jul 31 2008, 11:08 AM Wrote:Somebody tell me were these fuckups keep coming from?
ball's humor is something you have learn to understand. personally i find the randomness hilarious most of the time.
PAT MORAN, who invented "moran's i" and coined the phrase "get a brain morans"
DAVID COX, inventor of the "cox process" (similar to norbert wiener's "wiener process" but a little different)
LAZARUS FUCHS, who developed the "picard fuchs equation" in collaboration with jean luc picard of the uss enterprise
LEO AUGUST POCHHAMMER, son of pocahontas and mc hammer
GASPARD DE PR0NY, inventor of the "pr0ny equation"
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