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Krayz,Feb 26 2008, 08:46 AM Wrote:<Expletive Deleted> if you keep drinking maybe you will hook up with another alchy and boom match made in heaven..except when your both laying on your deathbed's from liver failure...but hey..at least you got drunk right!??!
hahahaha maybe. i know!!!! I'll learn how to play the drums! i've always wanted to and women love that. then i'll form a band and play metal drums! onward to my next goal....seriously im considering this
if you want to get some major tail learn to play guitar and piano..and sing sappy shit..that metal stuff only attracts goth fatties..but if you like that stuff then more power to ya
Womb-Raider,Feb 25 2008, 04:19 PM Wrote:
Biggs,Feb 25 2008, 06:07 PM Wrote:
Womb-Raider,Feb 25 2008, 08:40 AM Wrote:*doesnt drink*
Woot for the Womb!

Tell me one good outcome of drinking and maybe I'd actually consider doing it.
exactly, i dont need to drink to have a good time/ get laid so why bother.
Dum3z and I drink cuz it's fun. Does that mean we can have fun without drinking? Sure. But it's fun, so we drink every now and then.
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