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Full Version: Which is it?
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Hello all, It's Mister Beagle!! Back with another topic!

When i first heard this, i was pretty shocked. I can't get my mind off of it, no matter how stupid it sounds.

The other day, i was at a Starbucks, and i accidentally ran into one of my school friends, Dani (girl). So, since she was going to be moving to NC next week, we sat down and talked. However, she got up and ordered something, but then i heard a word i have never heard come out of the mouth of someone: "Baggle".

Now, i pondered the meaning of this mystery word for a few minutes as they performed something to do with the baggle. Upon fetching her order, I saw that she ordered a bagle. SO, i wasn't sure wether it was her accent or not, (she's Minnesot'n) and it might be one of those chicken or the egg questions, but which is it? What was the first word used to refer to the dense, circular breakfast delicasy?

Bay-gull or Bag-gle?
ba·gel /bey-guhl/

Need two Gs for baggle
Yeah, it's baygul. And it's spelled bagel. :PYou virginia people and your weird accents. :P
bay gel. idk where you live
Wtf? It's not bug el? Holy shit, I've been saying it wrong all these years.:o
Anyone who doesn't say it like baygul should be deported right now.
Dum3z,Jun 25 2007, 03:38 PM Wrote:Wtf? It's not bug el? Holy shit, I've been saying it wrong all these years.:o
You're a freak.:D
i didnt know it was possible to pronounce it other than baygul... it just doesnt make sense
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