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Full Version: CZ or CS?
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Well since I can't seem to acquire a CD key from a friend or a keygen that gives me a good key, should I make the trip to the store and grab CS or CZ? Or should I just wait for HL2?

Any input at all would be helpful ty.

Also, can I use the way CKY said to get source free even if I have a banned key?
1. CZ sucks
2. Wait for HL2
3. CkY is a nub
4. hobbit cookies are good
I just bought hl2, and all the other games are in it (cz,czds,cs,hl,tfc,...) all the source games and 2 dedicated servers + SDK
CS all the way:lol:
t3h_l33t_p3ngu1n,Nov 5 2004, 08:01 PM Wrote:1. CZ sucks
2. Wait for HL2
3. CkY is a nub
LOL @ #3
t3h_l33t_p3ngu1n,Nov 6 2004, 03:01 AM Wrote:1. CZ sucks
2. Wait for HL2
3. CkY is a nub
kjglkfsdjglksdnafdsnfklnvlkefnavlkdnsalkvndlska vdlskavndslkavnds;avdslavndlksavndsklavndslknvdlskanfdsklanv klsdfnvalkdnvlkdsanfvkldsahfnioerygewpqyhionvoivhbfdsp
uh....i love you too?
we all saw the amature gay porn vid...get a damn room this time instead of that closet
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