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Full Version: Source SDK released
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Quote:Meh, there's also the fact that CAL probably won't switch to CS:S for a while.
CAL already has source... and painkiller... and HALO 2
Yeah I just noticed that (the Source part) before you said it.

I already knew it had Painkiller, one of my friends in real life has already won $15,000 in competitions because of Painkiller.
my friend (also in real life) won 25,000 in halo tourney and is competting in MLG (Major League Gaming) this season
Yay for random friends who get rich off video games.
I made like 200 playing halo 1.....i hate halo 2 for some random reason tho :blink:tho I am still alot better at it than cs...
That's not hard.
I don't think anyone at any game is worse than you at CS.:)
Sure cept you at the game of sex [/OWN]
Duno my fat ass little brothers pretty bad at ddr.
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