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Full Version: European Friday Night Event?
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So, what do you guys think about having a Friday night event on our European 1.6 server? As far as I've seen, I've never seen anyone on it! Maybe having an event will make it become a little more popular? This would be in conjunction with the American event later. The European one would be at like 10PM GMT (11PM CET, 5PM EST). Whatdya think?!

All the cool people would be at BOTH. Like me! ;D
You forgot the part where the majority of us have school and we don't get out that early. I do though.
I was thinking possibly Minidisk, Schiet, Dead again, Rimp (do you still play?), and whoever else could come...cuz then people would be like "oh, what's this?" and join the server since they see people playing in it:D

Just a theory! I sometimes wanna play on WCS during the day here, and there's no one in it cuz you're all at skewl, that's why I'd like it to be popular
Thats how we got more traffic to the NY WCS. We kept going there in groups and fucking around, and then people started joining while we were there....then eventually they started coming on their own. :D

I could probably play..just set up a date. I get out of skewl at 2:25~
Ill be there.. probably get insane lag tho
All depends on what minidisk thinks, it's his server over there after all:)
coca,Nov 16 2006, 03:46 PM Wrote:All depends on what minidisk thinks, it's his server over there after all:)
Trust me, Joe's not gonna give two shits about it. :lol:
Ill be there if im not in school:D*will have at least 150 ping*
5 members or more in serber = might as well hold a random event imo.
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