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Full Version: This friday night!
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ajbig,Nov 8 2006, 10:24 PM Wrote:friday night is porn, chicken, and whiskey night sorry.
Can i come?
make a poll you dumb womb
He can't do a poll without suggestions you dumb retard. He says post ideas for a reason.
Xmas maps - xmas_lodge, xmas_crazytank, xmas_nipperhouse, x-mas_tree

Crazytank maps - crazytank, as_crazytank, as_crazytank2, as_crazytank3, crazytank_x, supercrazytank, ow_cc_crazytank

Ahhhh maps - blahhhh, gahhhhh, whaaa, duhhh

Blackhawkdown maps - bhd_as, bhd_convoy, bhd_convoy2, bhd_cs, bhd_de
I suggest that when duck finishes his map (never) we play that for a friday:D
Dwopple,Nov 8 2006, 10:12 PM Wrote:I suggest that when duck finishes his map (never) we play that for a friday:D
If I was still in highschool it would of been done ages ago, too bad work + college = time.

You're all gonna either have to wait til:
xmas break
summer break

I choose never cause I am lazy as fuck and only work on the map when I am bored and got shit else to do, which is never.
shit i only have 1gb left in my hdd:( I'll pass
No ahh maps. NOOOO MAPS WiTH BLINKING LIGHTS! Um....dodgeball...ftl....

Im all for the cc maps. Ow cc, cc_secret_base, cc_club_breakin etc.

I also like the idea for ow_cc maps without hook. That would pwn
I like the idea of forming teams and scrimming. Maybe we could even have a fun scrim night with PA on NIPPER maps w/o hook.
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