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I resent that Mini.

Sv and I are both "gun toting rednecks", does that mean that we are going to cause the utter destruction of the world? NO.

I don't see why everyone thinks Bush is going to be the cause of world destruction and stuff. I'd be more scared if Kerry had won, pulled out troops from Iraq, and sent a signal that we fucking gave up. You think us pulling out of Iraq is a good thing? They see we don't want to fight any more, they think they won, and they go slam more planes into buildings or just blow them up, because they won't fear retaliation.


somehow i dont think he would have pulled out, but your talking about attacking iran as well, THEY HAVE NUKES

Nothing wrong with playing with guns mate, i'm trying to get my firearms licence you dont need to be smart to know that:


Try getting a SMALLER car you dont need a fucking 7 liter supercar, then you will use less oil? then you wont need to KILL people to get it.
my biggest problem is religion in the name of government smaller problem is that bush isnt prolife...
give me one fact that the war is about oil? one site anything?..if we went into Iraq for oil, you would think oil prices would plummet? that should be proof enough right there...and iran doesn't have nukes just yet, they are on their way to get them, but im sure we will try dimplomacy there just as we did in Iraq, and if it doesn't work..then they will be attacked.



when you go to war, people get scared, and prices go up. FACT
lets take off a few years, why is america involved in the middle east? gulf war> iraq attacking kuwait(specifically burning its oil deposits) in mid 1990 if i remember...cheney was involved and so was powell...but they werent big names back then...anyways, US is asked to help...so we do what we do everytime and put our noses in with non other than bush sr....terrorism comes...wtc bombing, then 9/11....now we are back over there fighting and searching for guns and shit that bush sr. offered some middle easy countries in order to stop iraq from invading, we are also trying to find out who did it, and why, and what exactly is a an friendly country, was it the saudies? bin laden? where is hussein anyways? what were those commercial flights that were flying from us to saudi arabia the 3 days following 9/11? nobody will tell the truth....

feel free to spell check:)
i hate politikkkkssss!!!!!
Heh most of you dont even live in the US :lol:
problem with bush is that his morals drive all his choices. moral are not logical. that is why half of the US hates bush. that is also why the kerry smear campaign didn't work.
on a side note, i'm amazed that kerry lost this election. all he had to do was prove that he had some good traits, really any good traits because he already had the votes from the people who hated bush. he somehow fucked it up.
it appears that in america morals and religion are more important than logic, a stable economy and what THE FREAKING CONSTITUTION SAYS
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