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Viruses is dictionary.com's answer. You should know better than to trust it.
I read somewhere that virii and viri are both incorrect, however both suffixes are used by some Latin nouns (but not to pluralize virus), and in fact there is no plural for 'virus' in Latin.

Something noteworthy however is that dictionary.com has a record for 'hippopotami', which is correct Latin..

but yeah, you should know better than to trust me.:rolleyes:
Maybe virus itself is it's plural.
no i think its viruses. lol. but thats just cuz thats wat everyone uses. its kinda like moose. wats teh plural for moose? i like to say meese, but i doubt thats it... maybe its just moose...

or moosii:P
sheep duznt sound like a singular noun. i think a single sheep should be called a shoop or something.
wow.. this a sad convo
bahhh ur sad lol. hey! bahhh.... thats like the sound a shoop makes.
What about house and mouse? Hice and mice?:lol:
House, houses.
Mouse, mice.
You lose, there is no such thing as sheeps.
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