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i played runescape for 15 minutes and thought for once that i was actually wasting my life

and shut up krayz WoW rocks espiacally owning people that are 40 levels below you
Biggs,Jan 16 2006, 01:55 PM Wrote:Delete this topic now.

If you want real MMORPGs, consulte me or Duckeh.
my name was said....in a positive way:o, gives quackers
can i have a quacker.
Hey, it may not be the most exciting game, but I think it's way better than shitty WoW... that game is just horrible imo... but anywho, that's just me... maybe it was meant for a younger generation
Underdog,Jan 17 2006, 01:37 AM Wrote:Hey, it may not be the most exciting game, but I think it's way better than shitty WoW... that game is just horrible imo... but anywho, that's just me... maybe it was meant for a younger generation

Runescape is long due to be sent to the grave.

If you want a leetsauce game, wait a couple of weeks because RF Online shall be out soon.
I also agree that WoW is shit
Monkey91,Jan 16 2006, 08:10 PM Wrote:i played runescape for 15 minutes and thought for once that i was actually wasting my life

and shut up krayz WoW rocks espiacally owning people that are 40 levels below you
You = bastard. Your character should be deleted. >.>
Anybody who's played 400+ hours of WoW needs a life.
Blizzard,Jan 23 2006, 06:41 PM Wrote:Anybody who's played 400+ hours of WoW needs a life.
Anyone who posts 4400+ times on a forum in around 16 months needs a life.
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