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Full Version: Ohhh Canada
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I was talking to Dwoppeh and I was wondering about that big, huge country that no one ever hears about and no one really cares about.

What is Canada? and why are they so good at curling?

I didn't ask him that, but I was wondering something else. We have Presidents, Britain has Prime Ministers, Germany has Dictators. What does Canada have? Mountys?

So without looking it up, does anyone know what the top ranking official is in Canada? Because I asked Dwopple and he doesn't even know. If you do know what it is, do you know who it is and have you ever heard/seen him?
hor i said it was prime minister:oand i bet everyone will chet and google it or something
Canada has Prime Ministers.
I had a Canadian friend once. She talked about a prime minister!


Also, look at THIS!
Dwopple,May 30 2006, 09:34 PM Wrote:hor i said it was prime minister:oand i bet everyone will chet and google it or something
You said you thought! You didn't know.

Does anyone know who the prime minister is? Or has ever seen one before?
i said i thought i didn't know, then said i thought it was prime minister >O
yeah, i just remember them talking about the prime minister of canada once on the news

i think they change their governmental system often actually, karazy canadianins

i get this feeling they are a lot better than us americans... but that they are extremely boring...

dunno... but i'd love that free univseral health care... yeah buddy:D
Go Canada! Let them get more popular and outspoken. We will invade them in a few years!
I call Dwopple as my slave.
Biggs,May 31 2006, 12:30 PM Wrote:I call Dwopple as my slave.
I thought I was your slave. >.>
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